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“Wrocław” how to pronounce it

24 May

“Wrocław” how to pronounce it


Wrocław is ideal for an urban getaway. In it we find a city with a youthful atmosphere, medieval streets, and an intense history. In addition, hundreds of dwarfs are spread throughout the city to the surprise of its visitors.

Wroclaw is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Poland; It has a stormy and interesting history, in which the German, Austrian and Czech influences have been intertwined.

The city attracts foreign tourists for its exceptional architecture, as well as the numerous festivals and the lush nightlife.


Situated on the blanks of the Odra river, located near the borders with Germany and the Czech Republic, is the most important economic and cultural capital of the Province of Lower Silesia, in the west of Poland


It is also called “Poland Venice” because of its 130 bridges connecting its 12 islands.

In 2016 Wroclaw is European Capital of Culture; Since then, it is normal to see it in the listings of cities in Europe that you should not miss.


The right way to pronounce it


The letter “W” is pronounced like the english V

The letter “Ł” is like english letter W,

So is sounds something like “VROHTS-WAHF”


Also we can pronounce in differents languages

Spanish: Breslavia

Germany: Breslau

Czech: Vratislav